Family Law Parenting Mediation

How the Untying the Knot Parenting Mediation Process (Family Dispute Resolution) works

Step One - Intake

Before you start your family law parenting mediation (family dispute resolution) process, our Registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (Mediator) will conduct a 30 minute ‘intake’ session with each party, to determine:

  • if parenting mediation is suitable for you
  • if so, what the best format for the family dispute resolution would be

and to explain the legal aspects of family dispute resolution (especially confidentiality).

Step Two - Mediation Agreement and setting up meetings

If parenting mediation is considered appropriate, then we do the following:

  • issue an invoice for the family dispute resolution process
  • email you our Mediation Agreement to sign electronically
  • make appointments for your Parenting Mediation Preparation Sessions and First Joint Mediation Session

Step Three - Preparation for Parenting Mediation session

Each of you will have a  1 to 1.5 hour individual meeting with the Mediator to prepare for your Parenting Mediation, during which we cover the following:

  • conflict and communication style
  • how we can best assist you in the mediation
  • concerns you have about your children
  • preferred parenting arrangements 
  • the best format for the mediation.  Format include
    • both parties in person in the same room as each other (but with breaks for private meetings with the Mediator)
    • both of you in person, but each in a separate room (shuttle mediation)
    • via Microsoft Teams (video) in the same ‘virtual room’ 
    • via Microsoft Teams (video) in separate ‘virtual rooms

The Mediator will speak with you both and discuss which of these will be the format most likely to assist you in reaching an agreement.

Step Four - Joint Parenting Mediation session

This mediation session will be for 2.5 to 3 hours with each parent and the Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (Mediator). 

During this session, the Mediator will work through the following with you:

  • Parenting time
  • Decision-making about the children
  • Specific parenting concerns that may need to be discussed

At the end of this meeting, you may have some preliminary agreements, and/or may need to take some time to consider options (or obtain legal advice) before your next parenting mediation session. 

Step Five - Joint parenting mediation session

This will be similar to the previous parenting mediation session, but the goal is to have a draft parenting plan by the end of the mediation session.

If you need more sessions to reach an agreement, they can be booked in during this session.

Step Six - Parenting plan

At this meeting you will either draft, or review your draft Parenting Plan with the Mediator if it was not able to be completed in the previous 2 meetings.

How much does the parenting mediation process cost?

Please note: all fees include GST

Intake and assessment of suitability for family dispute resolution (parenting mediation)

If the other party has not yet agreed to attend parenting mediation with us, this fee includes inviting them into the process. 
If parenting mediation does not proceed, the fee also includes issuing a s60I Certificate.

Family dispute resolution (parenting mediation sessions)

$1,520 per party.

Includes preparation meetings and up to 2 joint parenting mediation sessions (total of 7 to 9 hours).

Additional parenting mediation sessions

$550 per party per session. 
An additional session will be needed if the parenting plan was not drafted in your second mediation session.  

The total cost for intake sessions and 2 mediation sessions is $1,595 per party including GST ($3,520 per family)

What if we also need to work out property settlement?

We can help you work out finances as well as parenting.  Learn about our family law property mediation process.

Our base fees for a combined property and parenting process remain as above, but we may need additional sessions.